Monday, September 15, 2008

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pant Suits!!

In recent times, I am seeing more and more information for women in the corporate world - how to manage themselves successfully at work, and achieve that delicate balance between work and life! Thanks to the internet explosion, it has become easier than ever to share such information.
I got in an this email at work,and wanted to post it here,interesting read..
Nora Denzel, the SVP of Intuit Payroll Services Division, spoke
in Mountain View on the topic of/ The Top Ten Ways Women Shoot
Themselves in the Foot in the Workplace/.

I think her advice is good for women and men alike, and offers insights
I wish someone had shared with me when I was starting out in my career.
Nora conveyed her advice with great humor, which made the truth she told
about the mistakes women tend to make easier to hear and accept.

*1. We don't control our own PR.* / Remember that every interaction
with an exec at your company IS judged. Hallway conversations as well
as prepared presentations. Women seem to have a genetic tic that makes
them tell the //_whole_// truth, whereas men are comfortable with
allowing others to draw the wrong conclusion and not correcting it if it
is to their benefit. She suggested that women learn to accept a
compliment (even if falsely deserved) with "Thank you," and then stop./

*2. We don't aim high; have a goal.* /Don't make the mistake of
thinking that you need to have a plan to get there before you declare
your goal. When you tell people your goal, they will help you build
your plan. By telling others what your end career goal is, not just
your next step, it will help others know how to help you. Stating your
goal can get you on the short list - if it is not the right time or the
right role you can say "no", but if you're not on the list you don't get
to decide anything./

*3. We don't know how to lighten up and separate.* / We need to realize
that people at work are playing a role, i.e., just because the finance
VP is saying "no" to your proposal doesn't mean they hate you. Learn
not to be so easily offended when someone asks you if you have a sewing
kit, or to get some food for everyone - just say no and move on. When
you go home at the end of the day, "separate" from the business
decisions that may have occurred./

*4. We don't ask.* / Jobs aren't all posted. Women tend to assume that
there is always a sign-up list somewhere for growth opportunities. We
need to learn to create opportunities. Early in her career, she asked a
VP at her company if she could shadow him for a week. She said the
lessons were invaluable, as her self-selected mentor also made the time
to tell her why he was doing things in addition to letting her see what
happened in his work. Don't think it isn't fair that there isn't always
a sign up list. Use it to your advantage./

*5. We act like we want to be Miss Congeniality more than Miss
America.* / We need to keep our focus on achieving our goal rather than
being the nicest. Also, don't be cowed by the aggressiveness of others;
men especially may try to use aggression to get their way if you let
them. Don't have guilt in saying no if it won't help you achieve your
goal. It is okay to conform to the norms of your work environment so
long as once you are in power you work to change them to what you think
is right./

*6. We don't know how to "act as if."* / Don't let it show that
you feel unqualified or in over your head./

*7. We don't feel comfortable being uncomfortable.* / We need to accept
that learning new stuff hurts a little, just as we get sore muscles when
we do a new exercise routine. Accept that being the dumbest one in the
room just means you have the most to learn from others. If you feel
really bad in a new situation, set a timeline for yourself, e.g. 6
months, to endure it and see if it gets better. If you are too
comfortable, take that as a sign it is a time for change. But also,
know your own situation. If you have other things going on in your
personal life that are challenging (good and bad), you may choose not to
add more challenge at work./

*8. We don't embrace criticism.* / Learn to take feedback, which is
criticism by another name, as a gift. It is like getting answers to the
test. Denying the criticism does not make it untrue. If it is really
wrong criticism, wait 48 hours, then go and state your points and ask
for help./

*9. We don't realize that we can make our own rules.* / Make sure to
pick your fights well when you want to break the rules. For example,
fighting for higher than allotted pay raises for high-performing
employees rather than fighting to get a designated parking space./

*10. We often forget that we are judged on results, not on how hard we
work.* / Yes, how you do your job is important too, but first you must
deliver results. Don't act as if obstacles were unexpected - there will
always be obstacles. Budgets get cut, competitors surprise you, the
economy tanks - that does not take away the need to achieve the results
you agreed to./

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